Tuesday, November 22, 2016

No Loss Without Great Gain: A New Opportunity

By now, I'm sure everyone is familiar with the new salary/overtime law.

Like many others, especially those of us close, but not close enough, to the threshold, we've waited to see how we've been impacted.

Yesterday I learned that, on Monday, I will become an hourly employee instead of a salary employee.

Never a minimalist who tracks hours and watches clocks (except for noting looming deadlines). I now must do both, for I must not go over my allotted thirty-seven and one-half hours per week. As a writer who routinely (always? consistently?) goes far beyond that paltry amount, this was sobering news indeed.

I love all components of my job, but these components will obviously be modified. So far, I have the freedom to adjust the hours and the duties, as long as hours are tracked and the work I choose to execute fits the hours.

So what will I do with this extra twenty hours a week?

For one, I plan to spend more time on Before the Blood, to shorten the time between draft to finished product. With my present work schedule, that time is two years out.

I also plan to start editing manuscripts for other authors.

Over the years, various writers have asked this service of me. Often I have refused. In previous years, delivering newspapers, freelance writing, homeschooling, and my own fiction projects left no time for accepting editing projects. In recent years, my work schedule, along with scrambling to find time for my own fiction projects, left no time for "extras."

"Coincidentally," I recently refused three such projects.

That's now about to change.

I spent some time yesterday, a Monday on an insanely short work week, fiddling with creating a new work schedule for me, and I anticipate playing around with it over the long weekend. After the holidays, most likely January 2017, I'll accept my first editing projects.

I am excited for this new chapter in my life.

For more information, message me at bryonyseries.com.

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