Wednesday, November 23, 2016

A Federal Judge Altered the Course

The topsy turvy events of this week remind me of this scripture verse: "I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content." Philippians 4:11

On Monday I received the news that this coming Sunday I would become hourly instead of salary and had to modify my job duties and watch my hours.

Last night, my supervisor called to tell me I'm still salary.

I definitely feel many workers are way, way underpaid for the work and hours they put in. But mandating it doesn't make money magically appear, especially in some small businesses and in certain struggling industries. 

Furthermore, when staff is tight and job duties are myriad, trying to manage the nuances of life and work is stressful without adding clock-watching to the mix. So I, for one, for now, am glad the law is blocked, just as I was glad earlier in this week for new opportunities.

That said, I'm still looking at changing a few things up in 2017.

Last year, I resolved to find an hour each week day to work on my fiction. That didn't happen, but I've been successful with half an hour. In the coming year, I will make that hour happen.

Also, since I put editing services out there, I also resolve to take on some select limited projects. I think the experience will be good for me, and I feel my experience could benefit other writers. If you're interested or have questions, message me at

These are my thoughts on an extremely busy "going into the holiday" Wednesday. Have a most blessed day, vampire fans. :)

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