Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Walter J. Martineck

Slight over two years ago, a Facebook friend messaged me to see if I could help her cousin publish what she thought was a book of poetry.
I talked to her cousin. His writings were not so much poetry but a collection of journal-like entries to his girl friend expressing his great love for her. The book, he had said, would be a gift from him to her.
Coincidentally, Sarah and I had preciously discussed ways to streamline the self-publishing process for other authors without them having to rely on vanity presses to do the work (editing and formatting) they could not do.
So when I told her about this project, she definitely wanted to do it. I helped her set a fee (extremely low) and told her I'd edit it for free, as she had done plenty of free and low-cost for me (the BryonySeries website, the Facebook page, coordinating recipe submissions for the cookbook, soliciting silent auction items for Vamp Fest, etc.).
So Sarah did, and then she went on to complete several more projects for other authors. Those projects, plus the work she did for me, led to her position at an international security company doing, of course, editing and formatting, a job Sarah thoroughly enjoys.
What struck me when editing the book was the deep and passionate love this man had for this woman, which made editing the book a most enjoyable task. Few people, I believe, love to the degree this man loved this woman.
The other day, I learned, on Facebook, that this man had been killed in a horrific accident on Interstate 55.
His cousin contacted me for copies of the book to distribute at the funeral. That book was one accomplishment of which Walter was extremely proud, the cousin said.
Walter's book can be ordered here:

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