Monday, April 14, 2014

Rebekah's 20th Birthday Makeover

Granted, Rebekah does share a birthday with Old Calendar Christmas, but twenty is definitely special, and, despite our horrible financial situation on January 7 (at the time, I hadn't even interviewed for the features editor position at The Herald-News; we were still reeling from the sale of the newspaper), I wanted to pamper her for a day, at a low cost.

So Sarah suggested Joliet Beauty Academy, which had done a phenomenal job with our hair before 2011's Vamp Fest. Sarah scheduled an appointment for a day we knew she'd be in town and for when we also knew neither Rebekah or I would be working or in school.

I arranged for a photographer friend, who promised photo capture the grand day for two  margeueritas (one for each hand). Then we told Rebekah we had a surprise for her three months.

Except for the photographer getting bit by a stray cat on makeover day and winding up in the emergency room (thank heavens for cameras on phones; Saran became the photographer); the makeover taking twice as long as the school predicted (six hours instead of three); and me falling asleep off and on (I was sick, although I look rather perky in the photo), the day went smoothly. Plus, Rebekah had the fun of showing off the results at our church's spaghetti dinner that night and basking in the compliments.

Check out the fun we had:



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