Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Midnight Oil

I'll be literally burning it again today since this fourth Tuesday in a row we're recording the audio version of Bryony. Last week, we stayed at USF until one in the morning, so by the time I returned home, showered, and had a snack, well, I used to rise earlier than that.

For Eastern Orthodox Christians, today's theme is the parable of the bridesmaids, those who waited and watched for the bridgegroom's return with lit lamps full of oil, and those who slept, let the lamps go out, and missed the bridegroom's return.

As a writer and former paper carrier, I'm accustomed to odd hours, mindful of deadlines, and vigilant of full gas tanks, sufficient plastic bags, safe tires and brakes, customer starts/stops, and all the details of note-taking and copy-editing, etc.

The beauty of the Great Fast and Holy Week is that, although I generally tend to keep careful watch of myself, I'm given an opportunity to explore even more deeply, to once again renew my pursuit of all that is honest and true, to set my hand to the plow, and in live in such a way that I can live with myself.

"See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness.” Luke 11:35

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