Monday, April 9, 2012

The Journey to Pascha

Although a good portion of the Christian world celebrated Easter yesterday, my family and I belong to a denomination, Eastern Orthodox, that is just entering Holy Week.

This means, for me, a week that is both solemn and busy, as I scrunch deadlines to allow time for the extra services this week (nearly one a day), special foods to be cooked and brought to the church at midnight to be blessed, examinations of conscience to be made, and a single motel room to be reserved (camp-out!), for we live an hour away from our church, and none of us will feel like driving home at dawn.

No, this doesn't have anything to do with Bryony, per se (except that Melissa's grandmother was Eastern Orthodox, and Melissa seeks some rather unproductive advice from the church's pastor), but my spiritual walk has and does forms me as a person, which then flows into my approach to writing.

So this week, less of an insight into the book series and more of a glimpse into the life of the author (No, don't yawn, lol). I promise to keep such posts brief and non-preachy, although they might get a little personal, because there is nothing about Orthodoxy that is not personal, passionate, and present to the moment (Today, I am crucified with Christ, etc).

And today's theme is Jesus cursing the fig tree for its non-productivity, a reminder that we should hasten to do good, while there is still time. With productivity in mind, I hurry off to a meeting.

Have a blessed rest of the day!

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