Wednesday, June 1, 2011

It's Not What I Expected, Part 2

A couple of weeks ago, my oldest son Christopher, 29, asked to read Bryony. Although it did not meet his initial expectations of massive carnage, he enjoyed it enough to ask for the drafts of books two and three. Here are his remaining comments:

6) Doesn’t Henry's concern for Melissa seem out of character for a vampire?

“Not all vampires are created equal. Some of them do keep a little humanity.”

7) What’s your take on John Simons?

“At first I thought—without getting too much into the second book—that there should have been more of him, but then I understood why he was written the way he was. I liked the music side of him. He’s a lot like me, in some respects. He internalizes things until he can’t hold it in anymore and then he erupts. He’s very passionate about the things he does. Yes, he is cold, but I can see why because his relationship with Melissa is based on an agreement; he wasn’t trying to have a love relationship with her. I blame a lot of that on Twilight. The story is played out through his memories, but I don’t think they’re the exact same memories as he had with Bryony.

8) You met the real Ed Calkins. What do you think of his vampire character?

“I think Ed is more affable, but the character seems more rational; he has more method to his madness.”

9) You used to take piano lessons as a child, but now that you’ve heard James Onohan’s music for Bryony, you’ve resigned up? Why?

“Because the music is interesting enough that I wanted to bring my skill level up to reproduce it at my own will.”

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