Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's Not What I Expected, Part 1

A couple of weeks ago, my oldest son Christopher, 29, asked to read Bryony. Although it did not meet his initial expectations of massive carnage, he enjoyed it enough to ask for the drafts of books two and three. Here are his comments.

1) Why did you ask for a copy?

“Everyone else in my family had read it, but for awhile, I didn’t have the time. After seeing the filming of the trailer and hearing the music, I was curious.”

2) What storyline were you anticipating?

“I thought it would be darker and be more graphic, not necessarily slasher, because I know the author likes some of that.”

3) What elements of Bryony did you enjoy?

“Trying to determine what was real and how to tell the difference between what was a pure dream and what was a propagated dream. I don’t think there was any time-traveling, but I liked the image of a whole exclusionary lifestyle. Even though it was a girly and a little fantastical, I still enjoyed it.”

4) Why did you think there was no time travel?

"When Melissa look our of the corner of her eye she sees decaying vampires. I think she was somehow psychically involved in the experience, almost like lucid dreaming with sight, sound, smell. Everything was as vivid as it could be; I just don’t think she actually went back into time to those events.”

5) Who were your favorite characters?

“Kellen was my favorite because he was the closest thing to a dark and evil character, so he especially kept my interest. I liked Henry because he was kind of sing-song; he was serious, but he went with it. He was honest; he told Melissa from the beginning to be careful, that she didn’t realize what she was getting into. He was no-nonsense, but he had a humorous side, too, all things considered.”

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