Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Making the Bryony Videos, Step Five: Prep and Check

Shooting the Bryony book trailer and music video at the P. Seth Magosky Museum of Victorian Life and Joliet History (http://www.museumofvictorianlife.org/) was a blast!

However, this is what you won't see in the finished pieces:

* Frantic telephone calls for space heaters. The huge mansion is four floors and unheated; we will be there five hours; and temperatures dipped to 30 thirty degrees, brrr!

* Last-minute shopping trip for water bottles and lint rollers.

* Analyzing which set of fake hair looked better on each of our John Simons, then swapping and reswapping wigs and top hats.

* Peeling the tails off Bryony's pianist and composer James Onohan because they were too tight and ripped in the shoulder and then persuading Christopher Blankenship, the John Simons for the Bryony book trailer, to give up the coat with the caplet.

* Watching the stunned expressions on James and Christopher as make-up artist Jen Wesolowski applies mascara to them.

* Applauding my publicist Dulcinea Hawksworth's costume ingenuity by creating effect with added touches: her scarf and an earring (I dare you to find them in our trailer stills at (www.facebook.com/BryonySeries).

* Kicking myself for missing Ed Calkins many patient explanations to my seventeen-year-old daughter Rebekah's friend on how to play the The Steward of Tara computer game he designed.

* Wondering why Stephen didn't bring one of the space heaters into the upstairs bedroom where he shot the trailer and admiring Rebekah's patience with the many takes, despite the brutal cold.

* Losing track of how many times museum director Pat Magosky replaces fuses, and James practices sitting on a piano bench without sitting on his coat.

* Hearing Bryony filmmaker Stephen Tuplin's poignant reassurance of Rebekah's suitability for the role of Melissa Marchellis when she dissolves in a nervous flood of tears.

* Rolling my eyes at my nearly thirty-year old son's lament of, "Why is this taking hours?" and patiently explaining to him that shooting a book trailer is different from filming home movies with a cam corder.

* Delighting in everyone's awed enjoyment of James' music when my twenty-year old son Timothy, who is recording James' playing on his cell phone, points out their faces to me. Christopher hails me in the hall saying, "I like piano music, but this guy is amazing!" Ed Calkins applauds at the conclusion of Bryony and rushes up to shake James' hand.

* The quiet enjoyment of viewing the trailer still, already posted on Facebook by the time I returned home. Nice work, Stephen Tuplin and Josh Siegers of JKS Productions (http://www.jksproductions.com/)!

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