Monday, May 2, 2011

The "Ghost" in the Doll Case at the Magosky Mansion

 Yesterday, I had forwarded the Bryony trailer stills to a friend. He gave them the polite lauds, and I thought that was the end of it.

Last night, as I was burning the 9 p.m. oil (that's late when you customarily rise at midnight), he emails me, asking if we used trick photography on the doll pictures. I told him those weren't "official" Bryony photos, just something Bryony's web adminstrator Sarah Stegall took on her camera phone the day we interviewed her.

He emails back again and asked if I'd seen the face. Busy with editing, I took a sip of warmed over coffee and told him a doll or something had been superimposed on the picture, making it look creepy, and that's why Sarah had posted it on Facebook.

My friend then sent the picture back, rotated, with the face circled, and the words, "She caught a ghost on film!"

So I called Sarah this morning from the route and asked her. She said the face was only museum director Pat Magosky. "I posted it because it looked mysterious," Sarah said.

My friend maintains it still might have a supernatural basis. "The doll room is supposed to be the most haunted room in the house," he said.

So, I showed the picture to my husband Ron. He said, "That's not Pat. If it was, the image would be distorted, and it wouldn't be sideways."

"Well, maybe it has something to with the angle where he was standing," I said.

I showed it to my twenty-year-old son Timothy (who does NOT believe in ghosts), and he said, "That's not Pat's reflection. There's not enough light in that room to catch it."

I called Sarah again. She said, "That's Pat. I'm sure."

"Too bad," I said. "There's been paranormal groups in that mansion, and they're convinced something's going on in there." I paused. "We could forget we had this conversation."

Sarah laughed. "Yeah, let someone else debunk it."
I asked her to post the picture here, anyway. Reader, what do you think?

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