Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sarah Stegall's Thoughts on Bryony, Part 4

16) Last fall, when the author was hospitalized, you did some guest posting on the Bryony blog. What did you write about?

"Coffee, dreams, DNA, updates, a short story, a funny story from the eyes of my three year old, and an interview."

17) How did you come up with ideas?

"I wasn't entirely sure what the rhythm was behind the blog so I tried to keep in theme with Bryony, without it actually being Bryony. Everything I posted was indirectly related to vampires or the book."

18) What group of readers might enjoy Bryony?

"I don't think it can be pinned down to just one age bracket or just one type of reader. Bryony offers a little for everyone. My 75 year old grandpa read it (loved it) and my twenty and thirty something friends have been hounding me for my copy of the manuscript."

19) Why will they enjoy it?

"It's an exciting, thrilling, story. Some elements are left up to the reader to weigh in on, while other parts leave you reading twice as fast to get to what you think is going to happen, only to find out it's cleverly deceptive and the story changes. For the main character, Melissa, she is back and forth between 1975 and the Victorian Era. Readers can look forward to their favorite time era depending on what interests them. Also, food and music are nicely intertwined throughout Bryony."

20) Tell us about James Onohan and his contribution to the overall project. Why made you seek out and persuade this composer to join the Bryony team?

"James is my greatest mistake (for the book, I never make mistakes in real life). While researching out of date music, I stumbled across a song of his on Youtube. He composes all his music and the song I was hearing sounded like it ran off the pages of the book, straight into my ears. His sound mimicked exactly what we were missing. I immediately emailed him and after a brief correspondence, he agreed to jump on board. Currently he is composing the book's theme song, (a huge part of the series) and working on ten new compositions for a cd to go along with Bryony."

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