Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sarah Stegall's Thoughts on Bryony, Part 3

11) How did you wind up with the Bryony website?

"When I created the FB page, I was disappointed because we didn't have a coinciding website to further direct readers. As a reader, when I become interested in a series, I check out all that the series has to offer online. Where was the website? Where was the blog? Ugh, so frustrating."

12) Why was creating the Bryony website important to you?

"I felt I was contributing to getting projects accomplished. In my head I was crossing off my own checklist and I was racking up new experiences left and right. We needed a website and I was eager to learn how to make one."

13) What will people find on the website?

"Mass information involving the team behind the book, additional links directing readers to other sites, interactive pages where they can submit their own short stories, view unique pictures, eventually listen to the theme song and purchase related merchandise, and possibly be able to play different types of games."

14) Why are those elements there?

"To draw readers into the world Denise has created with the Bryony Series and to immerse themselves in all things Bryony. We want readers to be able to get their fill. I don't want anyone left hanging."

15) What else do you hope to add?

"Anything that is demanded. Our site features a guest book where comments and questions can be left. Oh, and games. I have all these nifty ideas for games and nobody that knows how to design them."

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