Monday, August 26, 2024

Water Therapy

When I a child, I thought like a child in that I mistakenly assumed backyard swimming pools, park district swimming pools, beach clubs, and summer vacations by lakes were the norm - because that is what my family did.

But a lack of resources (either time, money, or both) and husbands who were afraid of water (due to near-drowning experiences, perfectly understandable) meant that I've spent most of my adult life away from water.

My return water came in 2015 when I visited Sarah and her family in North Carolina and went out on Falls Lake in their pontoon boat for a day of boating and swimming. 

Because I enjoyed it so much, her husband Sean always took one day off work when I came out so we could also go out on the boat. Twice, Sarah also made the two-hour drive to Wilmington to the Atlantic Ocean.

But I haven't spent a week in North Carolina since 2019 (COVID, finances, other responsibilities at home). I'm hoping May/June 2025 will break that trend since my grandson Lucas will graduate from high school and (of course) I'll want to be there.

This past weekend, I spent two afternoons in a swimming pool with family, the best two summer weekends since 2019. I was originally going to post a few photos but - honestly - I was having too much fun to take photos.

Instead, here are three videos of water beauty from earlier North Caroline trips. Enjoy - and Happy Monday!

Atlantic Ocean, Wilmington, North Carolina, August 2016

Falls Lake North Carolina, August 2017

                                                 Falls Lake North Carolina, August 2019

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