Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Blogs I Didn't Finish This Week

Good morning!

This morning is super busy, which is leading into a super busy Friday into a super busy working weekend and into a super busy Monday.

June was already packed full and then our family had two emergencies at the top of this week.

I had a blog nearly ready to go for this morning when something unusual in the moth world (I'm told) happened to me yesterday afternoon.

So after a later-ish day of working, I started to write this blog when Jasmine and Rebekah decided we were going to Walt's in Joliet for ice cream.

Jasmine and Rebekah had spent the evening dying BryonySeries shirts for the.July 3 Independence Day celebration at the Billie Limahcer Bicentennial Park and Theatre in Joliet. 

Well, a really fun feature story sat behind us and the side trip for ice cream turned out to be a time for taking photos and talking to folks while my ice cream melted (that's currently sitting in the freezer).

I hope to finish next week's blog after work this weekend. The working titles are: July 3, 1998, Baby Shower Pictionary, and the The Luna Moth on my Window.

I hope everyone who took the time to to read these ramblings has a Thursday that's filled with many blessings.

And now - I'm off and running, already behind.

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