Monday, June 17, 2024

Dark Clouds

I started to write this post approximately six weeks ago when a fight broke out at what had been (up to that point) a really lovely family celebration.

But then other, more timely posts took its place.

Still, I wanted to share, not the details of the fight, but some post-incident reflections, especially in this age of social media perfection.

One: I've talked to people who often feel that they - and their family - fall short of everyone else's ideal family life when family interactions are less than ideal.

Two: No matter how well something - anything - goes, people tend to remember and cling to the parts that didn't. We remember the burnt cookies instead of the perfectly cooked steak. We remember the snide comment instead of the showering of compliments. We remember the bad hair day instead of the beautiful shirt that brought out the blue in your eyes.

And so forth.

But no person or family or situation or day is perfect.

Dark clouds do appear. 

Yet, they eventually clear. Somehow, they always clear.

So be encouraged this week whenever dark clouds appear in your skies. They are temporary.

Happy Monday!

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