Monday, June 10, 2024

Come Meet Me On Tuesday!

Good morning!

I usually try to hang out at The Book Market in Crest Hill at least a few times a year - and last year I held and event approximately once a month.

Not only is the owner Janet Staley, super friendly to local authors and readers alike, the atmosphere in this 40-plus year old bookstore in Will County is a "must" to experience. 

The store is filled (and I do mean "filled") with a wide variety of new, used, and rare books. It's hard to imagine a title The Book Market does NOT stock.

But the first part of 2024 was filled with various maladies for my family and me and a procedure that was pushed out three times (maybe four?) because of it. So Tuesday marks the first time BryonySeries officially returns to The Book Market.

I plan to be there, as does Rebekah, Bertrand the Mouse, and his Uncle Barty. I'm just know sure which hat I'll wear yet (decisions, decisions).

We have a special "summer display" for you to check out (more on this tomorrow). Key words to remember here are "summer reads" and "Ribbit-Ribbit."

And who knows? Maybe, just maybe, we'll also have something festive to celebrate the monumental occasion. Pop in and see for yourself.

And have a very happy Monday!

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