Saturday, May 11, 2024

Well, This Makes Me Want to Read it

I currently have no lack of books I want to read (the immediate ones are stacked by my bed) and writing projects I'm tackling.

In addition to my own projects, I have the second edits for a client ready for my attention. And Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara, has sent me more than a dozen chapters to edit for his third book in his Ruthless trilogy.

Ed's first book is "Ruthless," his second is "The Fifth," and he is also the author of "Denise Unland's Irish Genealogy."

Well, on Wednesday, Ed sent me this telegram:

Dear Goddess,

Please delete chapter 13, or banish it into the lowest levels of literary Hell. 

Of course, this made me want to read it right away. Who wouldn't, right?

But I couldn't. Because I was at work.

I was finally able to open it on Thursday night, while riding as a passenger enroute to a meeting.

It was a brilliant chapter in so many ways, really.

The chapter included an exchange of letters from two characters I created that were so remarkably in character that I felt as if I were reading someone's private mail.

Can't wait to talk with Ed and find out why he wants this chapter banished.

Because there's no way this chapter should get deleted.

Edited, modified, rearranged, cut up into other chapters, maybe.

But not deleted.

It's that good.

Ed Calkins is seen in a kilt on the stage of the Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park Theatre in Joliet during a rehearsal for WriteOn Joliet's "Fragments of Time" radio-style performance of original works.

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