Thursday, May 30, 2024

Photos of 2024 Mother's Day Feast

We have a standing joke in our family that I don't need to go out to "brunch" on Mother's Day.

That joke arose from a mixture of sources: the enormous popularity of Mother's Day brunches at local restaurants, an unwillingness to stretch an already stretched-thin budget, the fact my three youngest children worked in restaurants, and the fact that all of us work very hard and don't need another obligations for the day.

Now, for Mother's Day 2012, Timothy planted our one and only real vegetable garden (a wish of mine since 1981) and that garden thrived, partially because he had the help of two neighbors that were outstanding gardeners. But he WANTED to do that, and it didn't feel like work to him.

The next year, Timothy was super busy with college and work. He planted a garden and the weeds overtook it.

So when May 1 rolls around, I remind the kids that my Mother's Day wish is for everyone to rest on Mother's Day. I underscored that message this year because the previous week was exceptionally busy.

Timothy and Daniel had earned their bachelor's degrees the previous weekend (which was also our Easter weekend, complete with lots of cooking and a huge family picnic and egg hunt at a local park), and they were already steep in homework for their master degree classes.

And Rebekah, along with her regular job, produces books for clients, and does a lot of unpaid work for the BryonySeries. 

So my message on Mother's Day, is, "Please rest.."

Besides, this year I was scheduled to work that weekend. And this year, Mother's Day turned out to be a huge weekend for breaking news. I started work at six a.m. on Mother's Day and never signed off until eight p.m. I scarcely noticed the hours since the time just flew past me.

In the meantime, Rebekah decided "brunch" for dinner would be something different for us. So she went shopping and then she and Timothy whipped up this feast. When the "dinner is ready" message was sent to me along with the question, "Did I want a plate brought to me?" I decided to come downstairs and see for myself.

What a feast it was!

The menu was sausage, hash browns, three kinds of pancakes (plain, blueberry, chocolate chip), fruit salad, a Sangria-type drink (which I forgot to try), and cinnamon rolls.

Timothy and Rebekah cooked/baked everything from scratch except the sausage. Daniel handled the cleanup.

We even had flowers, for Timothy surprised me with a lovely bouquet in a lovely vase the previous night (also a working day).

They cooked so much food, we had it for dinner through Tuesday, a gift of rest indeed.

Feast your eyes on these photos. Yum, right?

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