Monday, May 27, 2024

"Memorial Day and Unfinished Stories" By James Pressler

Tomorrow I will recap my first at-home writing retreat of 2024.

Today I am working - yes, I actually volunteered to work - just so I could cover local Memorial Day events. It's my way of honoring and respecting the reason for the day.

Also, today, I'd like to direct you to the blog of writing comrade and WriteOn Joliet member James Pressler. 

In his Memorial Day post, he wrote, "Memorial Day is about the stories not finished, the pages left empty, because someone put service to country before themselves."

And in this post, James shares some of those stories - and our responsibility toward those stories after we hear them.

This is likely the best Memorial Day post I've ever read. I hope you take a few minutes to read it, too.

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