Saturday, April 27, 2024

Ed Calkins: "Time Piece"


  1. After Friday night's radio show, Timothy Baran came up to me and said, "Why didn't you tell me Edward Calkins was doing this?" So Timothy recorded it the following night, and I was thrilled he did. I was enchanted every time Ed recited this beautiful piece by Maureen Blevins. Our director Rachel Veres helped Ed with his line delivery and stressed adding a layer of bewilderment, which fits his BryonySeries character. And the way Ed delivered the very last line is especially heart-wrenching, considering the funeral for our WriteOn Joliet co-leader Tom Hernandez was earlier that day. No one in WriteOn Joliet are actors, all of the pieces were original, and it was Rachel's brilliance that saw the "Fragments of Time" in each piece and arranged them into a cohesive script. This poem is the second to the last piece read in the show. It followed a hilarious piece, so the switch in tone was quite dramatic. I'm not one for a "this is a MUST WATCH" post. But this clip really is worth the two minutes and thirty-nine seconds it will take to watch it.

  2. It certainly made you think 🤔
