Monday, November 20, 2023

A Calendar of Thankfulness

The image of this calendar, drawn by Matt Coundiff, appears in a chapter heading in the BryonySeries young adult (and up) vampire novel "Visage."

At first glance, it seems like the wrong teaser image to use for the blog I'm posting.

I finally completed updating the BryonySeries calendar for November, a bit late, I know, but with all the background challenges this year, I'm thankful for completing it.

Almost every date in the calendar in still relevant. That's because behind every date is a quick reminder of a reason to be thankful, perhaps a reason that never consciously occurred to you.

For those new to the BryonySeries calendar, Timothy set it up like an advent calendar. Click on the date and find the surprise for the day behind it. The surprise might be an actual BryonySeries event - or it could be an activity or reflection. Its "theme" also links to a BryonySeries book, citing it as the reason or inspiration.

Now the reason why this image, dated May 1977, works, is because of what it actually illustrates in the book: a staunch, immovable selfishness by one character as he marks each "X."

So as we move through this Thanksgiving week practicing gratitude, let's also purify every intention behind out businesses and let the actions of our thankfulness match the thankfulness in our hearts.

Have a great Monday!

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