Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Recap of 2023 At-Home Writing Retreat

The writing project for my at-home 2023 writing retreat really was as tedious as writing a dictionary.

I've been working on a guidebook for the BryonySeries called "Welcome to Munsonville: The People, Places, and Things of the BryonySeries." I have a screenshot below, so you can see what I mean.

It took many months to enter all the people, places, and things. So I had barely started writing the "people" descriptions when the retreat started.

My goal was to complete the book, an impossible task, but I embarked upon it anyway.

It probably didn't help that I also had two doctor appointments, one meeting two events, one concert, a three-hour Zoom call with a family member, a WriteOn Joliet Zoom meeting, and several hours on two separate occasions with Rebekah as we ploughed through medical bills and caught up on BryonySeries accounts all happening in the same week.

Not exactly a full writing retreat. But as much of a writing retreat as I could manage for this year.

We did ignore the housework until Sunday. And then we spent several hours catching up.

Still, with all that in the background, I did manage to complete "people" and "places." I am now working on "things," the largest section but with the one with the least cross references. 

I'm readjusting my expectations that I can complete this book, including the time needed for actual production, in time for the holidays. But we shall see.

With 2023 being a year of the unexpected, with many of the "unexpectedness" being difficult and challenging, the year just might surprise me in a good way.

We shall see.

In the meantime, I have "Karla Joins In" to copyedit this week.

Or, at least, that is the current plan.

Have a great Tuesday!

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