Tuesday, September 19, 2023

New Pillows

So when I stayed in the hospital last month, Rebekah spent a night in my bed so a house guest could have hers.

When I came home, Rebekah said several my pillows were in terrible shape (pictured below, ready for the garbage), so she replaced all but three of them (bags of the new pillows and pillow protectors on the left).

Of the three that remained, one was an old pillow of Rebekah's that had a lot of life left to it. The other two were pillows Timothy bought a few years ago that looked nearly new.

Well, of course they looked new. I used those pillows to prop up the rest. I had not actually laid my head on them.

I should also mention my old pillows probably cost less than three dollars a lot of years ago.

I am not cheap.

But I do live by this phrase that I heard for the first time when Christopher was a baby more than forty years ago, I heard this phrase for the first time: Use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without.

The fact I protested to the discarding of these pillows shows I do believe in the merit of that statement to some degree.

At some point, items do wear out their usefulness, agreed. Although I do feel that, in this case, the gifting of three new pillows was a bit premature. 

But I can also be proud of my kids when they say, "Enough is enough" and gift me with something new.

And I must admit, all six pillows feel amazing.

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