Monday, August 28, 2023

Goodbye, Blue Cup

Jasmine gifted me with this blue coffee mug from Starbucks a few years ago.

It's a sturdy cup in my favorite blue, and I used to drink coffee from this mug more than all the others.

"Used to" is key.

Yesterday, while this mug was sitting on the counter with a bit of coffee ready to be warmed up in the microwave, I made the foolish decision to open the cabinet door for another item.

As I moved aside a ceramic mug with a lid, the lid came crashing down, hitting the mug, and spraying glass fragments everywhere.

Both the mug and the lid were destroyed.

The fact I have a dozen more mugs (at least) isn't the point.

Strange how we get attached to certain objects, isn't?

Now here's the stranger part.

Just last week, as I was drinking coffee from this mug, I thought to myself, "This mug won't last forever. One day, this mug will be gone."

And now it is.

It's a small, but good, reminder, of the impermanence of all material items.

So let's savor while we can, relinquish when the time comes, and cultivate and cherish the things that last.

Have a great Monday!

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