Wednesday, May 17, 2023

No Sue's Diner This Week

Good morning!

Between working straight through until Tuesday and spending the rest of my time at hospice, well, most of my social media will "pause" for a few days.

That said, yes, I am fine, although the next few days will be challenging for my family, so please send up good thoughts/prayers, etc. as Ron (my stepchildren's father and my children's stepfather) transitions from life to eternal life.

In the meantime, you can enjoy last week's recipe.

I will most likely be at the Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park and Theatre's Shakespeare and Art in the Park, at least some of the time, since The Herald-News asked me to cover it.

Also, we attended last year and we (Timothy, Rebekah, Daniel and I) really enjoyed it and were looking forward to it.

The show was fantastic and the park atmosphere gorgeous and relaxing. We've had a lot of "life stuff" tossed our way lately and need the time to just bask.

And I hope all of you make time to bask today, too, whether or not you are experiencing challenges in your own life.

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