Thursday, April 27, 2023

WriteOn Joliet Radio Play Wrap-Up

On Saturday night, eight members of WriteOn Joliet did something that's very unusual for a writers group.

We presented a selection of our original writings onstage, radio theater-style, to a live audience that actually paid money to see us, at the Billie Limacher Bicentennial Park Theatre.

We read a mixture of poetry, monologue, and short fiction in a a variety of moods and genres that invited audience participation, caused them to laugh, and provided opportunities for reflection.

While we didn't pack the theater to brimming, our presentation elicited an enthusiastic response from the audience, to the extent that the park wants to make this an annual event.

We learned so much about live theater thanks to my niece Rachel Veres who stepped in as a creative consultant and coach.

We learned how to edit our work for stage and work as a cohesive unit to create a seamless performance.

Mostly, we stretched out courage.

We look forward to continued growth and an opportunity to entertain and inspire readers - whether they pick up one of our books or come out to hear us perform.

For more and a greater variety of photos from the event (courtesy of WriteOn Joliet member Diane Short), visit the WriteOn Joliet Facebook group page at

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