Tuesday, January 17, 2023

One Last View of Christmas

"They" say every cloud has a silver lining, and here is the silver lining I'm sharing with you today.

My last week spent in Raleigh with Sarah and her family was in August 2019.

COVID took the trip out in 2020.

Delta and being too newly vaccinated took the trip out in 2021.

Too many family emergencies took the trip out in 2022.

And two family emergencies in the last couple months gave back two opportunities.

The first opportunity came in September when Timothy and I took a "there and back" quick trip to see my father who wasn't doing well.

The second came last week when we received the call my father was dying. 

Certainly, this was a grim reason for a visit.

But Sarah has always hoped we could spend Christmas with her. That just never seems to work out.

True, we did not spend Christmas with Sarah. We spent Christmas at home.

But, like us here in Illinois, Sarah waits until the Christmas season is truly fading before taking down her tree.

And that tree, in all its glory, was still standing last week, still fresh and still emanating a faint (and lovely) pine scent.

During our visit, Sarah brought out a bottle of wine a friend gifted her from a recent visit to Biltmore.

I, of course, could not drink the wine.

But I could admire the ornament on Sarah's tree, filled with wine from Biltmore.

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