Monday, January 23, 2023

A New Old Doll

I have previously written about my great love for dolls, starting in childhood, so I won't repeat that information here.

Instead, I'd like to introduce you to the latest member of my current family of old dolls, which includes dolls from my childhood and dolls from my childhood I really wanted to own and never did.

Meet Winifred or Winnie.

I can't exactly recall if I owned this particular doll, since one very like her was given to me very early in my childhood.

I had lost her original dress very early into my ownership.

And I had done a pretty good chopping job on her hair, not understanding her hair would not grow back (I persuaded my sister to do the same with her dolls, too - whoops!)

But this Winnie is very close to the Winnie I owned, so I am content.

She arrived to my house in nearly new condition.

Now my kids will sometimes make comments about my growing collection of "creepy" dolls. This is Nancy, by the way.

But my granddaughter Riley, who shares a middle name and birthdate with me, loves to come to my room and see the latest addition.

In fact, on Old Calendar Christmas, Riley carried Winnie around all night.

Winne's hair is no longer impeccable, from all the love Riley bestowed on her.

But at least Winnie still has most of her hair.

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