Saturday, November 12, 2022

"God Did It"

Early on Tuesday morning, Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara, sent me this photo of a blood moon that he took while out on his route delivering newspapers.

And then he texted, "God did it."

You see, although Ed had announced his retirement from delivering newspapers in 2020, he continued to "sub" here and there until he was finally back on routes more or less full-time.

Ed said that if actually stops delivering newspapers, he will cease to exist. 

This was the explanation he gave last week, using examples from the vampires in BryonySeries.

He said, "Kellen must carry around dirt from his native land in his shoe." (I didn't know that was true, but Ed insisted it was).

He said, "John and Henry must return to the basement every night." (Totally true).

And he also said, "And I must deliver newspapers."

So it must be true.

Is this where the fiction meets the reality?

For the fictional Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara, the world's first official Irish vampire, is still a newspaper carrier in Ed's books.

I say, whether Ed delivers in real life or not, he will always exist.

For he and I have both immortalized him in our stories.

And even if the real Ed is safe at home sleeping through the night, somewhere in the world, a time-traveling Ed Calkins is driving his white van filled with his crew of brownies, ensuring readers everywhere get the news...

...while a blood moon hovers overhead.

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