Wednesday, September 7, 2022

If All Goes Well...

 ...this will be my last blog post until Monday.

For the last nine months, Timothy and I have tried to go to North Carolina to see family, including Sarah and my grandson Lucas and especially my father, whom I've not seen seen since my last trip in August in 2019 and is not doing well.

My father, Loran Scho0nbachler,was working up until the shutdown. He is now in a nursing home with a number of health issues, including Alzheimer's.

If you see a blog post tomorrow, it means we canceled again. Please send up good thoughts that we will be up, up, up, and away in the morning.

Now in the meantime, if you're really looking for something to read or make, please explore the BryonySeries website.

You will find plenty of good books to read and plenty of activities on our calendar of events, which I'm planning to update today.

Three books are not (yet) listed in our store, but you can buy them from Amazon.

These are.

Cornell Dyer and the "Mistical" Being

Cornell Dyer and the Calcium Deficient Bones

Call of the Siren.

And if you read a book, we can chat about it when I return.

Over coffee - virtual, if necessary.