Monday, July 11, 2022

Now available: "Cornell Dyer and the Calcium Deficient Bones"

The book publishing process can be a slow one, even when one is self-publishing.

"Cornell Dyer and the Calcium Deficient Bones," the latest release in The Adventures of Cornell Dyer series, is actually not that new.

Timothy and I met for a "Cornell" breakast to map out the story a year ago this month.

Most of the book was written by the end of September.

But then both Sue Midlock (our official illustrator for the series) and Rebekah Baran (formatter) hae health issues on and off.

So the art wasn't ready until January. And the book wasn't formatted for a while after that.

Then we had to re-edit the proof copy.

Then we had to re-format the book.

But we can finally release it today for your enjoyment.

When supernatural super sleuth Cornell Dyer finds himself between sleuthing jobs, he fills the
time by teaching science while the real teacher is ill. But in a school that’s supposedly getting
remodeled, Cornell encounters one mystery after another: vanishing classroom skeletons, plants
that come and go, and a piano for every student. Cornell is certain his classroom holds the
answer – and that he is one of the clues.

"Cornell Dyer and the Calcium Deficient Bones" isn't available on the BryonySeries store yet.

Nor is it available on Kindle yet.

But you may purchase the paperback on Amazon.

Happy reading!

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