Thursday, June 16, 2022

Some Intersections

"Some intersections in certain times are not seen with our eyes. The fact that his mere existance will make things more complicated in the future - we couldn't have even predicted it."

This was an intriguing quote from what was presumed (by me and sold to me by Rebekah) to be a fluffy Korean drama: "She Was Pretty."

Quick synopsis: Pretty girl befriends ugly fat kid who's being bullied at school. Years later, he's rich and attractive and she is not. He wants to reconnect - so she sends her pretty friend to meet with him.

It gets complicated from there (big surprise, right?)

However, the writer's theme for the story is a puzzle of an oil painting by Renoir called "Dance in the Country."

And if you can pick up on the very subtle sub-text throughout the the drama, you can enjoy a very satisfying story.

Except during the main couple's on-screen time. That was boring (to me).

Here is someone else's commentary on the story devices used here. If you don't undertsand the common tropes of K-dramas, this commentary will also give you a quick introduction.

But even if you don't read it, isn't this a great quote for life?

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