Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Words of Hope For Anyone Going through (or Has Gone Through) Challenging Times

As a family, we've gone through so many challenges, difficulties, and emergencies in just 2022, that we are struggling to keep up with them all.

But the other night, we heard some words of hope that I'd like to pass along to you today.

Regular readers of this blog know my daughter Rebekah is a fan of Asian entertainment, and she introduced me to Asian dramas a few years ago.

We are currently only two, maybe three, episodes into this one: "It's Okay to Not Be Okay." It deals with a nursing assistant in a psychiatric hospital who is also the caretaker to his older brother, who has autism.

The brothers move around alot because the autistic brother believes butterflies murdered their mother years ago (she was murdered), and they are coming for him, too. So when he sees the butterflies, they move.

Another key character is a chilren's book author with antisocial personality disorder. And this author writers some really dark stuff with dark illustrations. The autistic brother is a huge fan of her works.

Rebekah watched this drama when it came out a couple of years ago and recommended it to us. Two nights ago as we were watching it, she said, "Maybe I should have chosen something lighter."

But then something happened.

The caretaker brother picks up one of the books. The book was called, The Boy Who Fed on Nightmares. 

And the words were what we needed to hear.

The book is actually for sale on Amazon, but not in English. And readers on Goodreads praised it.

But you can see and hear an English version on this YouTube link.

So for anyone going through hard times now...

For anyone who's dealing with trauma...

For anyyone hurting, struggling, and wondering what's the point...

Here are words of hope for you today from The Boy Who Fed on Nightmares:

"Hurtful, painful memories. Memories of deep regret. Memories of hurting others and being hurt. Memories of being abandoned. Only those with such memories buried in their hearts can become stronger, more passionate and emotionally flexible. And only those can attain happiness.

"So don't forget any of it. Remember it all and overcome it. If you don't overcome it, you'll always be a kid whose soul never grows."

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