Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Evolution of "Bryony Bucks"

In the first BryonySeries novel in the "drop of blood" trilogy, Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara, announces at a dinner party he prints his own currency.

In a "truth is stranger than fiction" reality twist, the BryonySeries is now doing the same.

Sort of.

About eighteen months ago, Timothy designed what he called a "Bryony Buck" - basically, a certificate that gives the purchaser of a BryonySeries book a dollar (or more) off the next purchase.

Timothy thought these would be handy to distribute at events, once we did events again in a post-pandemic world.

This was his original (refined) concept.

And we did start distributing them in limited amounts with select books about a year ago.

And Timothy kept refining them in terms of size, color, etc.

Here are his latest. Thoughts?

I'm hoping Timothy will have a few extra for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. But you'll have to come out and see for yourself.

But that will be tricky, considering we need about five hundred before Tuesday.

Mind you, Timothy only has an inkjet printer. And he cuts all these Bryony Bucks by hand.

He'd love a commerical printer, but he's put off buying one. Because apparently even printers are caught in the supply chain woes. 

Hopefully that's not the case with colored, ink, too.

Fortunately, we have lots of crayons.

Just kidding! (as Timothy would say).

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