Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Sue's Diner: Homemade Pierogies

This week we are featuring a recipe that is a favorite in our family: homemade pierogies.

A pierogi is simply a stuffed dumping. Pierogies are popular in Eastern European cuisine. Some cultures call them pirohi.

Traditional pierogi fillings include potato and saurkraut, but you can use any filling you like.

I learned how to make pierogies from a cookbook when my oldest son, now forty, was about eighteen months old. I always included the kids in making them.

My two preschoolers (Sarah and Joshua) helped me make two hundred of them one afternoon in the 1980s when one of our friends was being ordained to the priesthood.

I even had a regular customer for a short time, which provided some extra money for me.

You can try our pierogi recipe on the Sue's Diner page on the BryonySeries website

But try the recipe this week. It will be gone some time next week. A new recipe will take it's place.

By the way, Sue's Diner is only real in the BryonySeries world. But didn't Timothy do a great job making the page look like a real menu at a vintage diner?

Here is the full diner page: bryonyseries.com/sue-s-diner. You can't really order, of course (wouldn't it be great if you could?).

For more BryonySeries recipes, check out our three cookbooks at our BryonySeries bryonyseries.com/general-store.

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