Friday, April 15, 2022

Story Round-Up: Features in The Herald-News, April 9 to April 15

Good morning!

Here is what I had planned to post yesterday:

I am posting my weekly story roundup a day early and then taking a blog holiday until Monday.

Timothy and I are flying out late tonight to visit out-of-state family. My father, who was working up until the start of the pandemic, has since developed Alzheimer's, cannot walk, and now lives in a nursing home, all in the past few months.

So Timothy, quite spontaneously, booked the tickets. My oldest daughter Sarah is thrilled because she lives near my parents and will spend the first holiday with some of her birth family in more than a decade.

This year, Timothy and I will celebrate two Easters. We are Eastern Orthodox, so we will back in Illinois the following week to do it all over again. Hurray!

But it will be a busy few days. We are flying out late again on Sunday but working on Monday. So I will see you then. Happy Easter!

Here's the reality:

Timothy has COVID, and I was exposed (yep, as I'm recovering from a non-COVID virus - at least according to two negtive COVID tests).

My calico Faith became suddely ill and is in the hospital. She's had tests, two biopsies and now has a feeding tube and some pneumonia (she went into the oxygen tent last night). She was supposed to come home today, and we were supposed to get feeding tube training today. But we're in the thick of it now. I'd rather they get that pnemonia under control than prematurely release her. I'll know more this morning.

And that is on top of a slew of emergencies our family has addressed all of 2022 so far. But 2022 stepped up its game on March 29, and we can't seem to catch out breath.

On the plus side:

Timothy's COVID appears to be mild (for COVID). That doesn't mean his symptoms are mild or that he's feeling pretty good. It means his COVID is mild.

Faith is responding to the oxygen cage and has started eating some, in addition to her feeding tube.

My fatigue is less every day. Because whatever that virus was, it tired me out.

No one has died.

Story-wise, I have just five feature stories to share with you today and a few yet posted. So do check back on The Herald-News site:

The reason for so few stories is that I just finished up working a huge nineteen-story project for The Herald-News. And I must say, with all of these "life" things happening in the background, I'm really happy with myself that I saw the project to the end, that I finished what God blessed me to start.

Read more about Shaw Media's special Thank You, Teachers edition here.

Here's an update on my fiction.

For an update on Call of the Siren, read this post.

We plan to release Cornell Dyer and the Calcium Deficient Bones and Cornell Dyer and the "Mistical" Being very soon. Both Rebekah and our artist Sue Midlock have gone through health issues this past year, which has caused publication delays. Like the rest of us, Rebekah just needs a few moments to catch her breath to complete production and post online.

Next up in the series: a Sherlock Holmes parody (the main character is Sherman Homes). Timothy is ready for a Cornell breakfast to share his ideas. He and I just need our time off schedules to sync and, as I said, to catch our breaths.

Jennifer Wainright (frontispiece artist for Lycanthropic Summer) has completed two portraits for  "Girls of the BryonySeries" series for tween girls and is currently working on a third. The portraits are beautiful and it shows that artist Jennifer Wainright can draw anything from werewolves to portraits! 

Rebekah Baran has completed cover art for two of "Girls of the BryonySeries" books. They are beautiful! One book in this series of eight books is completely written, a second is halfway written, and the rest are outlined. 

Now back to the five stories. Simply click on the link of the story that looks interesting to you. Happy scrolling!

But before the stories, I have a list of additional resources and information. Please check them out, too -

Finally, if you'd like to find more kindness in your life, consider this book.

And have a great Friday!


Sue's Diner is a fictional restaurant in the fictional Munsonville that only exists in the BryonySeries.

Each Sunday, we post a new recipe. The recipe is either featured in one of our cookbooks or will be featured in an upcoming cookbook.

Check out the recipe here.


If you're a writer anywhere in the world, you're welcome to join WriteOn Joliet's Facebook pageWe're based in Joliet, Illinois, but we love to meet and interact with writers outside our area, too.

If you'd like to officially join WriteOn Joliet, we have two tiers of dues. We also have a marketing arm that's getting longer every year, well, except this year. Check us out at

I also suggest this book: Little Book of Revision: A Checklist for Fiction Writers. It's exactly as it says. Each page some with one suggestion for revision. The rest of the page is blank, so you can add your own notes. All proceeds benefit WriteOn Joliet.

If you need support in your writing, I highly recommend this Twitter group: #5amwritersclub. I  joined it last year. Writers support each other on Twitter and meet every three weeks at 5 a.m. (4 a.m. CST - needless to say, I am often late!) on Zoom.

If you need editing or help with self-publishing, check out


If you need an artist for a project, I offer these recommendations.


Sign up for the Will County Go Guide and Sign up for the LocalLit Short Story and Book Review Newsletter at

Sign up for The Munsonville Times by emailing us at The newsletter still isn't official yet, so we don't have an actual link on the website - but we are working on it! 


Daily updates: I do post the briefs on Twitter during the week, so you're welcome to follow me at @Denise_Unland61.

BryonySeries stuff: I post curated content relating to the BryonySeries at @BryonySeries. And assorted related content at

And of course, please follow the adventures of Bertrand the Mouse on Instagram at bertrand_bryonyseries.


For books and more information about the series, visit


A full month of virtual events can be found at


Email me at

Thank you for reading The Herald-News. And for reading this blog. And if you've read (or plan to read) any of my books. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Illustration by Matt Coundiff for "Visage"

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