Monday, March 21, 2022

Two Chapters Left: "Call of the Siren"

Two chapters.

That's all I have left in a novel that's given me a great deal of trouble.since I began it in earnest a year ago.

In fact, my muse never really sprang into action around the Christmas holidays. And even then, I've struggled, although the struggle was less, and the progress was real.

This novel isalled Call of the Siren and it's the second book in the Limbo trilogy. (The first is The Phoenix, and you can find a copy of it here).

Everything in bold at the bottom of this blog is nearly ready to go, self-editing-wise.

Everything in italics shows where work is still required.

But when the editing is done, I have a couple more passes over the text to make.

One is a granular pass to ensure the new characters are properly developed.

And then I need to make a "feng shui" pass over the entire book, which is a new type of editing for me. In fact, I might have invented this type of editing. Maybe it's worth its own post.

My original goal is to have the book ready for formatting by early April. That's an unrealistic goal at this point. But late May or early June feels very possible.

Cover art is by Nancy Calkins, wife of Ed Calkins, Steward of Tara.

I'm certain this novel has close to zero value, commercial-wise.

But it's the novel I intended to write. And it's a satisfying feeling, for me, to have a vision of a story I want to write, and then write the story in my mind.

Stories can be elusive beings, clear in our imagination but defiant of precise words. But that isn't so strange when you consider all the many strands that make a story: the characters, the plots, the arcs, the settings, the moods, and so forth - and then when you consider all the strangs that make each character, each plot, each arc, each setting, each mood, and so forth some more.

It's nothing short of amazing that writers can take these threads and weave them into something coherent, much less magical.

Amazing, indeed.


Sue Bass is haunted by dreams of her father, who died in a boating accident before she was born, alluring dreams of water and song. But then a soft-spoken outside man with an inside plan comes to town, and Sue's sleepwalking stops, only to resurface with greater magnetism when he leaves.

Two voices beckon. Which one will she heed?



Chapter 1: Lullaby

Chapter 2: Music or Madness

Chapter 3: Town Mouse

Chapter 4: Country Mouse, Monday Sept. 13, afternoon (spot places to fill in)

Chapter 5: Water, Butter, and Wine

Chapter 6: Little Girl Lost

Chapter 7: The Lure of Their Eyes


Chapter 8: Flames and Frost

Chapter 9: Even The Sparrow 

Chapter 10: Bewitched By Her Sweetness

Chapter 11: House Calls, Saturday 

Chapter 12: Coin for the Passage

Chapter 13: Plaintive Cries 

Chapter 14: As Sharp as Spears

Chapter 15: The Meadow of Skeletons


Chapter 16: Gates of Horn and Ivory

Chapter 17 Ask, and It Shall be Given You

Chapter 18: Seek, and Ye Shall Find

Chapter 19: Knock, and it Shall Be Opened Unto You (1/3 edited, 2/3 drafted)

Chapter 20: The Stain No Storm Could Wash Away (1/3 edited, 2/3 drafted)

Chapter 21: A Stone and a Serpent 

Chapter 22: Treading Water 

Chapter 23: Last Dream of my Soul 


Chapter 24: On Solid Ground 

Chapter 25: Ideal – and Worthy of Envy  

Chapter 26: Sue’s Diner (edited)

Chapter 27: In Dark Depths Lurking (edited)

Chapter 28: The Abyss Beckons (edited)

Chapter 29: : No Breath of Wind, No Ripple of Water (edited)

Chapter 30: Ferry and Scythe


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