Saturday, February 5, 2022

Have you Registered for Calkins Day Yet?

Holidays are an important part of many worlds, and the BryonySeries is no exception to that idea.

And since some of the books have a made up character that's a real person, we have a made-up holiday based on that character/person.

That holiday is Calkins Day, which is typically celebrated on February 13, which is the birtday of Ed Calkis, Steward of Tara, who is a dyslexic Irish vampire in the books and a dyslexic, semi-retired, newspaper delivery manager/carrier turned self-published BryonySeries author in the real world.

Confused? Just wait until you meet Ed.

This year, Calkins Day lands on Super Bowl Sunday, so Ed has decided to pass on an in-person celebration and the imaginary parade in favor of a Zoom celebration from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Feb. 10.

The event is free, but you need to register for the Zoom link. Register at

Bascially, it's just an opportunity for creative people, along with anyone who has nothing else to do that night, to gather onscreen and listen/chat about creative works and enjoy some conversation that probably won't make sense at all.

As Ed put it, "Can we just hold a WriteOn Joliet meeting and just talk? And can we open it up to others?"

If you're still reading this post and wondering if this Calkins Day event is right for you, see if you fall into one of these categories:

Someone who wants to talk about and/or promote their writing.

Somone who likes to read.

Someone interested in fictionalizing a real person in their creative works - we've done it!

Someone who has questions about the BryonySeries.

Someone who wants to meet the world's first dyslexic Irish vampire who is also now an author.

Someone who just wants to listen in.

And someone who is anyone at all.

My WriteOn Joliet leader Tom Hernandez won't be joining us as emcee this year because he has a work commitment. So you are stuck with me. And Bertrand the Mouse. 

I hope that doesn't dissuade anyone from tuning it. But we are being transparent about it.

Again, you need to register for the Zoom link. Register at

When you are done, check out this blog:

It has nothing to do with Calkins Day.

But it's the blog of the creative artist who designs my flyers.

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