Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Coffee Blessing

Last Friday was really hard.

I woke up at 3:45 a.m. for the 5amwritersclub meeting (which begins at 4 a.m. for me due to my geographical location in the world).

Now that's not a superhuman feat, but the last few weeks have been uncommonly grueling for multiple, unrelated reasons.

So, you know, life - and plenty back-to-back of it.

On Thursday, our Keurig broke. So on Thursday night, I walked next door to Timothy's house and made a cup of coffee to get me through the meeting. He sent it home in a gray carryout cup instead of the coffee mug I brought for a less messy transport.

Mid-morning on Friday I went back over and made a second cup in the St. Dennis cup. This cup was a "thank you" gift from the elementary school in Lockport for participating in its career fair a couple of pre-COVID years ago, so it has good memories for me.

Then Rebekah surprised me with the Dunkin' (she had ordered tea for herself and more coffee for me).

And then Jasmine stopped at the house after lunch with the Gloria Jean.

Yes, I drank them up and in.

I drank up the coffee.

I drank in the love and support.

When is coffee not just coffee?

Well, now you know.

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