Thursday, October 7, 2021

Too Happy

This was a blank post from August 12, 2012 with nothing more than a title. 

And I have no idea what I intended to write - or why it's blank.

I have a number of posts like it from the early days of the BryonySeries blog, posts I titled with the intention of coming back to them later and then never did, good ideas lost to obscurity.

We're told to count our blessings. Yesterday, a friend challenged our wider group of friends to list one item from each day this week of which we're thankful. 

I've not been unhappy this week. But to stop and think about one solid blessing of each day made me, well, stop and think.

Life in its major and minor annoyances has a way of wearing away our resolve until we forget and simply plod along.

Yet - on August 12, 2012, I was "too happy" about something. 

If we can forget the circumstances that make us happy, we should also forget the circumstances that don't, as my WriteOn Joliet co-leader Tom Hernandez says in his latest blog

And we can take comfort in this: if nothing makes us happy today, we can reflect on happier days in the past - and then remind ourselves happy days are still out there waiting for us to make them so.

Have a great, if not happy, day! 

Pictured are my granddaugters Jessica and Riley from 2019. Neither girl was yet born when I wrote drafted this post. But they have given me two more blessings to count and two more reasons to be happy each day.

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