Thursday, October 28, 2021

A Late Birthday Present From Christopher

 A couple of weeks ago, Christopher made a surprise stop at my house with Zechariah and Martha (his two youngest children) to present me with a late birthday present.

Now if you think this is a silly present from a nearly forty-year-old son to his sixty-year-old mother (as judging by the photo), let me share the back story first.

My sister and I each had an alligator soap dish when we were very, very young (young enough that my mother bathed us together). 

By the way, the top of the alligator's head has a tiny hole, great for filling the 'gator up with water to squirt over sibings.

I'm not certain what happened to my sister's alligator, but mine sat on the bathroom sink of all the homes in which my children lived before they moved into homes of their own.

When we lost the final house in Channahon in 2013 (my husband had dementia), the alligator went to its final resting place in the trash, as it had become quite dry rotted.

So you can imagine my surprise when I opened the box!

Christopher apologized for the late gift, saying it had taken him awhile to find one that was in great shape.

The one he ordered came with this raccoon, which we never owned. I gave it to Rebekah because it looked like the type of item she would enjoy. And she does!

Christopher also pointed out the the 'gator's water hole to Zechariah, explaining it was great for dousing siblings with water.

Now, I don't like leaving shower supplies in the shower (an empty shower is easier to clean), but I've made an exception for the alligator.

And this alligator does his job just as well as his predecessor.

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