Monday, September 27, 2021

Infirmery Weekend

The festivities started with a trip to the ER for me at eleven o'clock on Saturday night, getting into bed a couple of hours before dawn for a nap, and then off to the dentist with Daniel for our regularly scheduled appointments.

We had the post-dentist festivities of running around for medicine, which, on Monday morning, appears to have started doing its job. But it's making me super sleepy, so hopefully I'll just need one week of it. Still, it makes for a challenging work week. Wish me luck!

Rebekah, who is recovering from gall bladder surgery, goes back to work today. Fortunately, she does work from home. She is feeling better but not completely. Wish her luck, too!

Timothy and Daniel biked twenty miles yesterday as part of an event to raise money for diabetes, and about halfway into the ride Daniel's handlebars came apart. The boys reassmbled them as best as they could. The rest of the biking was difficult for him, but he finished the twenty miles and came home super, super sore (he is better this morning - wish him luck).

On the other hand, Timothy is taking a week of vacation this week. Wish him luck for a boring, uneventful week. 

Finally, to make sure the weekend didn't end on a boring note, Sarah had to take my mother to the ER last night and had to bring my father along for the ride because he has early Alzheimer's.

But because of COVID, they could not stay. So Sarah went back to my parents' house with my dad to wait for a call from the hospital. By eleven o'clock at night, the hospital was considering admitting my mother. Thirty minutes later, Sarah and my dad were on the road because the hospital had no beds.

So while this post may sound like a gripe, I hope you see the blessings between the lines.

Blessings of modern medicine and the people who provide those services and care.

Blessings of adult children who have their priorities in place and give of their time for others.

It's a great Monday morning.

Illustration by Matt Coundiff for "Visage."

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