Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Three Good Songs

I'd like to share three songs that you may not have heard that are really sweet.

They are from a Korean drama Rebekah and I finished last week. It's called Something in the Rain, and I'd recommend it for writers who would like to see a really good construction of relationship, including how the relationship affects the people around us (for as many romances would like us to believe, relationships don't exist in a vacuum).

Also, again for writers, the character development is outstanding. 

I also recommend it to people who would like a good instroduction to Korena culture.

Lastly, the drama addresses a number of taboos. The Wikipedia page gives a good overview of both the story and the taboos: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Something_in_the_Rain

Now for the songs. The first is a cover of a familiar song, and the first time I've watched a K-drama that had an American song. I wasn't certain I liked it when it first played but soon changed my mind.

The next two are just nice. Again, I wasn't certain how I felt about them at first, so I suggest listening to them all the way to the end before you decide.

Have a great day! 




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