Monday, August 9, 2021

"Someone Sent Me a Dead Squirrel!"

Tomorrow I will share some topsy turvy photos of our new space (I'm sure we won't be settled until it's time to move again).

But first, here is a blog I wrote last week that I haven't shared yet.

Why is the title "Someone sent me a dead squirrel?"

Well, that was the message Timothy sent me one day as he opened a mystery package one day that he didn't order.

As you can see, it is not a dead squirrel. But what is it?

Well, in perfect "click bait" story fashion, I will tell you.

When I was writing Cornell Dyer and the Whispering Wardrobe, I needed a visual for this lion:

Cornell hoisted the backpack onto his shoulders and headed for the castle. He had just entered the courtyard when he saw a giant ceramic lion.

             This was much larger than the knickknacks in the woods and the knickknacks inside Mrs. Peabody’s curio cabinets.

The lion was painted a golden brown. The lion’s mane was a deep, rich brown. The lion had painted hazel eyes and an open mouth, ready to bite and tear.

But Cornell knew ceramic knickknack lions did not attack anyone.  So he walked through the courtyard up to the castle door. The door opened by itself, as if something past the doors expected him.

So I searched online for a visual for the scene and found this lion. Isn't he beautiful?

So I took a screen shot and sent him to Timothy, since the entire story idea was Timothy's.

It's a good thing I took that screen shot. Because when I tried to click on the link later, it was broken.

You've probably guessed where this story is heading.

Yes, Timothy ordered the lion. And then Timothy forgot he ordered the lion.

So when the lion arrived beneath the packing, it looked like a dead squirrel to him. He sent me a frantic message and brought the package over to my house, where we carefully examined it and realized, it was not a dead squirrel and that he, in fact, had sent it to himself as a surprise for me.

We were both suprised, in our ow ways. And we were both happy no one sent him a dead squirrel.

The end. (please buy the book).

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