Monday, July 12, 2021

It's the Little Things That Matter

Sounds like the title for a fluff piece about counting your blessings?

Well, maybe.

But in this case, I'm talking about my ears - at least for now.

Several of us in our family have an issue with making too much earwax. So in addition to self care, I typically get my ears flushed once year before I fly out to see Sarah.

Except with COVID, I didn't fly out last year. So this little detail fell off my radar. 


So by this time last week, my ears pretty uncomfortable. However, not everyone is skilled at flushing ears. 

I've had a bad experience. One of my sons had a worse experience. My primary is very good at it (Dr. Rogers in Plainfield, if anyone wants a good primary).

At the end of last week, I called and made an appointment for her first opening - this Friday, as in July 16.

Except my ears were not having any of it.

By Saturday I was really uncomfortable. My ears were tender enough that I was concerned I might have an infection, too. I was extremely noise sensitive and felt sick all over. One week was a long, long, long ways off.

So on Sunday, I called my favorite quick care to see if it had someone available who was experienced with ear flushing. 

Except quick care closed early, and I was on deadline, so I couldn't just drop and go. Yet, the people at wuick care were so kind and said if I came in before the doors were locked, someone would see me.

Long story short, everyone who looked at my ears at quick care agreed they were extremely full, so full they could not tell if I had an infection going on.

So the plan was to flush them and then see. However, they would immediately stop flusing if I felt any pain.

Now the strange thing about this is that, I felt no pain during the flushing, even though my ears hurt. It's hard to explain but true.

The good news is that I had no infection not even a hint of inflammation. It was the best I felt in a week.

So I went home, made some coffee, happily worked on a novel, and forgot to get organized for this week - which is a very short and tight week because I'm taking time off for my birthday.

This means, I'm sitting here on Monday morning surrounded by paperwork that I ignored since Friday, feeling overwheled, and writing this blog instead of planning my day.

The little things?

My ears aren't big, but they can make the whole body feel sick they aren't well.

A Monday and weekly to-do list doesn't sound that monumental, but when you're starting Monday and the list isn't written, the pressure feels high.

And yet, I've got this great cup of coffee sitting beside me and loyal readers reading this piece of rambling.

As nice as that sounds, it's not the stuff that changes the world.

Except it changes my world, making it nicer and brighter and allowing me to put the lack of a to-do list into perspective. Because I know I will write it soon and the day will take off.

It's the little things that matter.

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