Wednesday, June 2, 2021

"Rejoicing in the Streets"

That was Timothy's catchphrase for the last few weeks regarding the BryonySeries store.

You see, a couple of years ago, Timothy asked for the logins for the BryonySeries website. He was taking a marketing class and wanted to tweak the colors on the site.

He wound up giving the site a complete overhaul that he himself has overhauled more than once in his efforts to refine his vision.

We've had a "pardon our dust" sign on our home page all that time. But just so you know, the site has remeained up, operational, and fairly functional all this time.

Now one of Timothy's visions was to build a store.

Not just a listing of books that link to Amazon or another third party site.

Not just a listing of books that link to the pre-built store on the website's development service that one can personalize.

But a fully functional, unique to the BryonySeries store with payments managed by PayPal.

Sarah had wanted to build such a store when she created the first version of the website in 2010 but the site didn't have the capability, and we didn't have a way (at the time) to manage fulfillment. 

Now Timothy doesn't know code, so a lot of planning went into that store.

The store may not look complicated, but that's the point. The complication should be behind the scenes for a smooth user experience.

But on the back end, the checking out of each book has many, many layers - and many, many many hours of Timothy's time invested into it. I caught a glimpse of that when I popped into his house on Sunday to check his progress.

In fact, with most of the heavy lifting of the store done by Sunday, it still took Timothy nearly an entire day to completely finish it.

Through it all, he kept saying, "There will be rejoicing in the streets when it's done" or "There will be dancing in the streets when it's done."

For those of you reading this post, you who have already ordered off the site over the past few months - well, you might be scratching your heads at the announcment of a live store. Wasn't the store already live, you may wonder.

But the caveat with using this website building service is that you can't just publish one page at a time. Each time another page was updated (the calendar, for instance, or Sue's Diner "recipe of the week"), all the pages republished - including all of Timothy's behind-the-scenes work.

This left a fragmented store where some items worked, some descriptions went to other books, some books were overpriced, some were underpriced - all of which needed addressing on our end when a customer reached out or an order was processed.

Timothy spent an entire day this holiday weekend addressing all of it. 

Please let that sink into your head a moment. 

He gave up an entire day of his holiday weekend for this store.

The result is that the store went live Sunday night. On Monday, we only had one glitch, and the customer reached out to me, so we were able to addresss it.

In celebration of our live, fully operational store, we are waiving shipping costs for any books ordered through at least June 15. 

I say "at least" because some time after that, Timothy or Rebekah will add the shipping charges part of the store.

And that will be based on their time to get back into the back end of the store and add the charges portion of the transactions.

I should also mention that only the print version of the store is live. We are still working on the eBook and audion sections of the store - because we also have two audio books ready to go.

But in the meantime, enjoy this picture of Daniel (my youngest) carrying Timothy on his back through the parking lot of Louis Joliet Mall in March 2017, when they were, indeed, rejoicing in the streets.

Happy shopping!

For the store, visit

To start your journey into our website (for all journeys into the BryonySeries start in Munsonville), visit the landing page at and work you way into the store.

Either way, enjoy! 

And please reach out if something is off. For Timothy also has a "contact support" feature at the bottom of each page.

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