Wednesday, May 19, 2021

A Song For Sarah

 Below is a picture of my fourth child Timothy with my second child Sarah on Mother's Day 2016 at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery.

Sarah doesn't get back to Illinois that often, so we chose to spend Mother's Day that year by paying tribute to our mothers-in-law and grandmothers.

Now Sarah was just six years old when Timothy was born, but she was certainly old enough to know he was more fun than her dolls. She jumped right into being a helper, which included changing diapers and helping out during colic with a pacifier (he wouldn't accept one from me) when he was all "nursed out."

When Timothy started saying "Mama," he applied that to Sarah, too, to Sarah's delight. (I straightened him out).

The two have remained close over the years. So for Mother's Day, he recorded this song for her.

Now before you think I'm getting sentimental, I have a quick story to share.

Timothy likes to sing, and he has a naturally nice singing voice. The rest of us sing like out-of-tune sick frogs, at best.

Sarah and Timothy were sitting in the back seat of the family van singing a new Backstreet Boys song - "I Want it That Way" - when she pointed out his voice.

Timothy could hit the high notes on any song like no other and used to practice hitting them by singing over John Schlitt while listening to old Petra CDs when we threw the newspaper routes in the middle of the night.

One day when Timothy was in his late teens, he launched into Disney's "A Whole New World." And we cracked up because he could sing both parts accurately and well.

Now that he's thirty, he has to strain a small bit to hit those high notes - but he can still hit them. Timothy's rendition of "A Whole New World" has become urban legend in our family.

So he recorded a really sweet version on Mother's Day (the first link) for Sarah.

The second link is a version we caught on a crummy cell phone more than ten years ago on the Sunday before Thanksgiving Day.

He had to work a brunch at Joliet Junior College's Renaissance Center and was late to the family party at my mother's house. No one could believe he could hit those notes.

But the people present had heard the rumors. So - Timothy found the lyrics on his cell phone and proved his stuff.

His oldest brother Christopher recorded it on his cell phone. So if it looks as if Timothy is lip syncing it, well, he's not. Ah, vintage cell phone technology.


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