Monday, March 22, 2021

Quick Monday Morning Reflection

So my computer went through an update yesterday and now it freezes when I try to attach a photo, making me wonder why I got up extra early to get a jump on the day.

And from my window this morning (just to to my right) is a beautiful sunrise, orangey-pink streaks through the lightening blue.

Of course, I can't share a picture of that with you.

I'm not very far into the work day and I can scarcely see my desk for all the paperwork haphazardly covering it.

But I slept fairly well last night and a health issue, which has flared off and on these last few months, has quited down, for this morning at least. And my day (week, month, year) is full of more story ideas than I can ever possibly write, something that me as a child dreaming to be a writer one day could never have imagined possible.

The cup of coffee is three-quarters empty. But I have plenty more coffee downstairs, five varieties of coffee, ready for whever I wish to make it.

Once Rebekah has a moment, she can fix the computer issue while I catch up on social media and email (I'm woefully behind in replying to posts, which makes me feel antisocial). 

So perhaps the computer issue is an opportunity to accomplish another project?

For anyone reading this post, here's hoping any pebbles in your path today are really opportunities in disguise - and any roadblocks are really invitations to go another, and better, way.

PS: If you're reading this post and you see a photo, it means Rebekah has fixed the issue, and I've returned to attach a photo. So thankful to her!

PPS: The issue resolved all by itself. But Rebekah is still great!

PPPS: This is not the sunrise from my window. But it's a beautiful photo Timothy took some time ago and sent to me. 

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