Thursday, March 4, 2021

Buggy Internet Box?

 For the second time in two days, the internet went down shortly after I signed on.

I know a few tricks to get things moving again, but I'm not as clever as my adults kids (or probably an eight-year-old, but those are in short supply at my house right now, thank you, COVID).

But after a few grumblings and a couple deep breaths, I wrote one of my stories fir The Herald-News this morning.

Just as I finished it, I was able to touch base with Rebekah. She had me up and running in ten minutes. Timothy is wondering if the problem isn't with the internet box since no outages in our area weren't reported - again.

So where I'm behind in email, I'm ahead in writing. And I'm thankful for people in my life that can solve problems that escape my limited technology skill set.

And look - the sun is shining now. 

All signs of a good day, right?

Because a photo of my internet box to accompany this post is, well, rather boring, I'm sharing one of Bertrand, my crocheted mouse, as he's enjoying a nice walk yesterday.

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