Monday, August 17, 2020

How About Some Positive News?

It was a long, hot, dark week for many people in the Will County area after a derecho rippedf up trees and caused power outages for hundreds of thousands of people.

But now that life is getting back to normal, it's not only good to give thanks for all those who worked hard to restore that normalcy, it's also good to remember the great things that are happening in the local community.

For readers of this blog who don't live around here: look for the good in your community today. It's there.

For any readers of this blog: thank you for checking in all week while electricity and internet was iffy. I returned to this blog today to an extraordinary amount of views. I'm truly humbled.

Here's a quick excerpt from last Monday's blog. Could truer words been spoken?

Life isn't always served in neat packages to our liking.

But it's still a new day in a new week full of new opportunities.

For me, new opportunities for writing.

For being kind.

For addressing the health challenges of another.

For who knows what?

Because the day is still uncharted.

And none of that takes away from the above accomplishments. It feels good to start a project, it feels great to finish it.

Welcome, Monday!

Donate school supplies for students this Tuesday in Plainfield

Plainfield Park District photo contest celebrates dog days of summer

Workforce Center of Will County held drive-thru job fair

Follow these tips to safely wear a face mask

Will County forest preserve issues canine casting call for 2021 dog park calendar

Abri Credit Union and Enterprise Car Sales donate to Joliet service agencies

Joliet-area youth orchestra holding virtual audtions for 2020-2021, announces new music director

Frankfort appoints new utilities director

Joliet West HOSA students Lucy Magat and Paola Castro Zuniga take top 10 at ILC

D. 202 to extend free 'grab and go' meals through Aug. 26 at Plainfield locations

Plainfield Park District program bridges gap until start of school

Illustration by Kathleen Rose Van Pelt for "Bryony."

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